Hi Parents

Today, we read a story called "Best Friends".  We learned a lot about friendship and discussed that Moms and Dads are good friends with each other.  We are interested in what YOU have to say about friendship.  Please answer any or all of our questions!  THANK YOU!

1. What is your most treasured friendship and why?  (Alex)
2. How do you help your friends?  (Jennifer)
3. How do you fix conflict with your friends? (Callie)
4. Do you and your friends have lots of differences?  (Marlee)
5. How do you visit your friends if you live far away?  (Aaliyah)
6. How do you spend time with your friends?  (Kyra)
7. What do you look for in a friend?   (Carson)
8. How did you meet your best friend?  (Tyson)
9. What's your longest friendship?  (William)
10. Where does your best friend live?  (Sydnie)
11. What's your most treasured friendship from your childhood? (Houston)
12. How do you solve conflict with your husband/wife? (Taylor)


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